Pharmaceuticals Board Registration

Pharmaceuticals Board Registration


The principal activity of Extension Service of the Coffee Board is to transfer of coffee technologies standardised by the research department to the coffee growers for achieving better production/productivity vis-a-vis improving the quality of coffee. Thus it helps to bridge the gap between coffee planters and research scientists in implementation of coffee technology in the coffee estates.

Around 3.47 lakh hectares cultivated by over 1.64 lakh growers are covered by the extension service in the traditional tracts of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

The Joint Director of Extension at Hassan monitors and guides the extension activities of the four Dy. Directors of Extension, Seven Senior Liaison Officers and twenty three Junior Liaison Officers in Karnataka.

The Joint Director of Extension at Kalpetta monitors and guides the extension activities of two Dy. Directors of Extension, eight Senior Liaison Officers and thirteen Junior Liaison Officers in Kerala and Tamil Nadu States.
The Director of Research, Central Coffee Research Institute, is in overall supervision for implementation of Extension Plan Programmes and Extension Services.

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