Import Consultants

Import Consultants


Import Export Code (IE Code) registration must be obtained by all entities involved in the import of export of goods and services.  To obtain IE Code, the entity must have PAN, GSTIN and a bank current account.

Persons having import-export code can apply for and obtain RCMC registration. Registration-Cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC) is a certificate that validates an exporter dealing with products registered with an agency/organisation that are authorised by the Indian Government. The certificate is issued for five years by the Export Promotional Councils or commodity board in India. An exporter desiring to obtain an RCMC has to declare his mainstream business in the application. This application would be submitted to the Export Promotion Council/ Commodity Board relating to that line of business.
Though the import-export code is auto-generated, the Regional Authority would conduct post-verification of the online IEC as per the guidelines. In case there is any wrong/incomplete information being furnished, the applicant would be liable for penal/criminal action and in such case, IEC would be either suspended or cancelled.

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+91 9442976179