LLP Company Registration

LLP Company Registration


Private limited company registration process and the LLP registration process are very similar with some differences in the documents and forms filed for incorporation.

Cost: The cost for the incorporation of a private limited company or an LLP is the same.

Features: Both LLP and Private Limited Company offer many of the same features. LLP and Private Limited Company are both separate legal entities and have assets and liabilities that are separate from that of the promoters. LLP and Private Limited Company are both transferable, though a Private Limited Company offers more flexibility when it comes to transferring or sharing of ownership. LLP and Private Limited Company both have perennial life, unless and otherwise closed by the promoters or competent authority.

Fundraising: A private limited company can raise funds from Angel Investors, Private Equity Funds, Venture Capitalists, banks and NBFCs. An LLP can raise funds from Partners, Banks and NBFCs.

Private limited company registration process and the LLP registration process are very similar with some differences in the documents and forms filed for incorporation.

Cost: The cost for the incorporation of a private limited company or an LLP is the same.

Features: Both LLP and Private Limited Company offer many of the same features. LLP and Private Limited Company are both separate legal entities and have assets and liabilities that are separate from that of the promoters. LLP and Private Limited Company are both transferable, though a Private Limited Company offers more flexibility when it comes to transferring or sharing of ownership. LLP and Private Limited Company both have perennial life, unless and otherwise closed by the promoters or competent authority.

Fundraising: A private limited company can raise funds from Angel Investors, Private Equity Funds, Venture Capitalists, banks and NBFCs. An LLP can raise funds from Partners, Banks and NBFCs.

The average time taken to complete an LLP registration is about 15 – 20 working days, subject to government processing time and client document submission. At the start of the engagement, your Engagement Manager will reach out to you for the collection of the necessary information or documents for registration of LLP. The data can be submitted online through our mobile app or website.

Once the information is received, it is verified by the Engagement Manager, the process for obtaining Digital Signatures for the Partners of the LLP would be initiated. On submission of the digital signature application, the applicant would have to complete OTP verification and a video KYC check. In parallel to the digital signature application process, we also file a request with the MCA for reserving the name of the LLP – you had selected.

On obtaining the name approval and the digital signatures, we would draft all the incorporation documents for the registration of the LLP and sent it to the Partners for signature. All of the Partners must sign the document and upload a scanned copy of the signed document on the IndiaFilings platform.

The signed incorporation documents are submitted along with the application for the incorporation of LLP to the MCA. The approval from MCA can take anywhere between 2 – 5 working days. Once the approval is obtained, the LLP would be incorporated, and we begin the process of helping you obtain PAN for the LLP and opening of bank account in the name of the LLP. In parallel, we also draft the LLP Partnership Deed. All the partners of the LLP must sign the LLP Partnership Deed on stamp paper, and the signed copy must be uploaded to the IndiaFilings platform within 25 days of incorporation. The signed LLP partnership deed is then verified by the Engagement Manager and uploaded on the MCA portal within 30 days of incorporation to complete the LLP registration process.

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